Driver Spotlight - Adrienne Wheatley

A big part of Shift AM’s mission is to get to know the people behind the wheel and find out what they get up to when they’re not on the track. We had the pleasure of catching up with one of our few female drivers. She rocks that candy apple red 2jz powered PS13, she’s one of the only female drivers competing in the Irish Drift Championships, she’s from the rebel county, she rolls with Candy Kulture and has been all about motors since she was knee high to a grasshopper. 

Meet Adrienne Wheatley.

Name Adrienne Wheatley

Class IDC Pro 2

How did you feel when you were first introduced to the car community?

I’ve always been part of it as I was introduced to it at a very young age, so it's been in my life for a very long time. My dad did autograss and hotrods when my brother and I were very young. We were always around it. Now it got cut short for him because he chose to prioritise his family with two young kids but even when he wasn’t racing he was always doing something with cars. My brother and I knew nothing else.

How has drifting shaped you as a person?

It’s where I’m at my happiest and it’s made me very confident in who I am and my abilities. When I first started it scared the life out of me and I was like why am I doing this to myself. Like confronting and overcoming fear, when you do, it can become something you really love. It feels like I transform from Adrienne who works her 9-5 and become a superhero for that weekend.

Adrienne Wheatley in her 2jz PS13 - credit Meghan Roycroft @driven_by_cameras

Tell me about your favourite track and why it’s your favourite.

It has to be Mondello, its Irelands only international circuit and it’s a great track layout. It’s the big show, the biggest events like Japfest and the LZ World tour happen there. The biggest crowds show up at Mondello too and you always feel special while you’re there.

What passions do you have besides cars?

Apart from cars it would be soccer, I played in America for a few years with Apache Athletics in Texas. I played striker while I was playing in Ireland, then when I went out playing in America they put me on the wing which was great. More work but I really enjoyed it. I’m also into Enduro bikes, which came about during covid. So when we built the new car, the PS, the weekend I was due to go testing it we went into lockdown. Being a petrol head with no drifting was really tough. So my partner Ger, who would have been into bikes, got me into it for that little bit of freedom and to feel some bit of normality. The exercise is great and it's a real escape, you’re away from everything on a mountain somewhere. 

Adrienne's Nissan Silvia PS13 smoking up her tyres - credit Meghan Roycroft @driven_by_cameras

Do you have any hidden talents?

A lot of people wouldn’t know this apart from my closest friends. I have a soft spot for cross stitching. I did home economics in school and I’m not one of those gifted women when it comes to cooking. I did it for my project and I did really well, I got an A and I’ve just kept it up since. I’ve been known to sit down for a couple of hours with it to switch off from the world. When it comes to cooking though, thank god for air fryers!

Tell me your worst joke.

Why did the chicken cross the road. To get to the other side.

What are words that you live by?

Climb mountains not to be seen but to see the world.

@adriennewheatley16 @candykulture.eire

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